We all require fresh ideas on how to solve problems and move forward in life.
While guess what?
It is not always easy to do so…
Enter the power of your subconscious mind.
Journaling before going to sleep is a powerful habit to tap into subconcious mind.…
Thomas Edison famously said:
“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”
At night our subconscious minds continue to work.
The subconscious mind is mighty.
Successful people use their subconscious to find solutions to problems…
…make decisions and get ideas.
And a journal is a handy tool for this.
Here are some things you can do in a journal before falling asleep:
So let’s look at how you can make requests and ask questions to your subconscious mind to help give answers …
To do it, consider your request profoundly and write down your question in a journal.
Think about your question deeply.
After that, forget about it and relax.
Next, go to sleep.
Let your subconscious search for answers while you sleep.
Don’t be surprised that you can wake up in the middle of the night or the morning with some idea or dream that is the solution to your question.
Write it down in a journal so you remember it…
Think - Write - Ask - Sleep - Record