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14 Effective Journaling Prompts to Increase Your Self-Esteem

If you are struggling with negative thoughts about your abilities to perform in life, work, and go to your dreams, then you are in the right place...

I will show you eight journaling prompts you can ask yourself in your journal and get unstuck from low self-esteem.

I have just finished my journal session, and I am very excited to share with you these journaling questions that can increase your self-esteem and push you forward to your dreams.

They will help you accomplish your wildest desires.

Before moving forward, let's make clear what self-esteem is.

Self-esteem is how you view yourself and how you think about yourself. 

It's your perception of yourself, and this influences all your life, your work, your job, your relationship, your dreams, your play, and even your health. 

That's why it's essential to raise your self-esteem because this influences all your life.

Let's make a parallel. 

Look at the laptop. 

The laptop has different applications. 

And let's say my thoughts are applications.

The quality of the applications I put into my computer depends on how it works. 

That's why the quality of thoughts about yourself that you put into your mind will influence all your life.

And before moving forward with prompts, I just need to read this quote by August Wilson:

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing.”

And all the prompts I wrote in my journal for self-esteem that I will share with you will attack your low self-esteem and raise it to heights.

Let's read the first question:

What negative things do people say about me that I start to believe and continue feeding these thoughts about me that have no objective evidence? 

And here is the answer I wrote:


Some people told me in the past that I am not capable of doing X, that I need to stay on one thing and not move into a not familiar zone.

I invested some face in it, which negatively influenced my self-confidence and self-esteem.


And this is a compelling question. 

It helps you to think about external criticisms you get from other people and ask yourself:

Do you really continue feeding these thoughts right now?

Do you really continue thinking about them as if they are true?

Maybe it's time to tell the truth that they are not real, that these is only other people's opinion.

And they are not familiar with your talents, capabilities, and ability to perform in life. 

When answering this journal question, it's essential to understand that the external world only validates what is already inside of you. 

So if, for example, I have low self-esteem and an external person says I am incapable of doing something. 

Then he only triggers thoughts that are already in my head. 

And your task here is to stop feeding these negative thoughts and false beliefs with faith that this is true.

They are not true.

It's not your true nature.

When you were born and when I was born, we were gifted by God with all we have right now with our life, bodies, faces, skin, talents, and so on. 

We didn't earn these things.

We just receive it from nature, from God. 

We were created in this way and are worthy from the beginning. 

Our worth is not under question. 

Self-esteem is another thing. 

It's when we look at ourselves and say we are not worthy of God-given talent; this is a big problem we need to solve.

The next question I designed in the journal sounds like this:

Tell yourself words of encouragement and compliments.

What do I love and admire about myself? 

This question is natural because you need to remind yourself, remember what qualities you have that are tremendous and that are great.

Which of them gives you power and energy?

Your answer will be different, but I wrote this in my journal:


I can concentrate my whole body and soul on the task and not get distracted. I can do the hard work if I don't worry about it.

I can have significant empathy and understanding for others.


So take a journal and write the answer to this question. 

Think deeply about what qualities you admire about yourself. 

What qualities do you have that you forget about and write them down in your journal?

And by the way, if you want to print these questions or save them on your phone, you can download them in PDF format. 

It's available for free.

Also, you will get six more bonus questions for raising your self-esteem, which is not part of this post.

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Hive by Alex Zozovsky is a Journaling Academy and Community For Personal Growth, Elite Performance, Mental + Emotional Thriving.
Hive members learn the best thinking tools for top performance and life satisfaction.
To accomplish this, they go through interactive online transformational experiences: quests, adventures, challenges, and guides.
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raising self-esteem and confidence, managing emotional well-being, idea generation, creativity,
mental toughness, and working with beliefs to improve their mindset and performance.

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