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How To Think In A Journal (for creators and entrepreneurs)

Now let's move closer to the Thinking Time Journaling Challenge and prepare your mindset for doing it

Our daily life consists of hundreds of choices. 

Together they form more significant decisions that include the direction of our life. 

We often go through life not thinking deeply enough about what we will do or the consequences of our actions. 

This leads to mistakes, foolish acts, and poorly planned projects or vacations. 

Following your heart is not bad, but taking your brains with you is even better. 


Life gets busy, and we don't always have time for thinking, planning, or generating ideas. 

Or let's say it as it is: we don't always make time for it. 

It is a habit that needs to be formed. 

Occasionally we stop and think, but how many of us do it regularly and intentionally? 

This lesson will show you the philosophy behind the Thinking Time Journaling Challenge. 

You will guarantee increased clarity about your life, yourself, and your actions when you go through this challenge.  



To make things simple, first, let me ask you what "thinking" is. Thinking is just the ability to ask questions and answer them. 

And the quality of thinking, of course, depends not only on the quality of intelligent answers. 

But also from the quality of questions. 

The better questions you ask yourself, the better the thinking process you can do. 



Intelligent people have good answers, and geniuses have significant questions. 

So don't underestimate the importance of a good question. 

Asking a good question can help you unstack in a difficult time or allow you to face something important you were unaware of. 


Here is a simple story that illustrates the importance of good questions. 

When Albert Einstein gave exam assignments to his students in university, he always gave them the same questions. 

Other colleagues thought he was nuts because students are not stupid and could prepare answers for well-known questions in advance.

Professors advised Einstein to change the questions he was asking students on exams. 

When he refused to do so, they asked him why? 

And he responded cleverly: the questions are the same, but the answers are changing…




A simple moral from this story is that life is constantly changing and moving. 

Answers that were true yesterday can be false today. 

What is important is that good questions can stay the same. 

They are designed to find out what is the current situation and circumstances. 

What to do now in current conditions and with the information you have.  


That's why the Thinking Time Journaling Challenge is all about asking yourself good questions regularly and answering them in the best way possible. 


Great, it is time to wrap up this step. The following practical lesson will detail what you need to do in the Thinking Time Journaling Challenge.


Lesson 11. Starting Your Thinking Time Journaling Challenge 


Let's get our hands dirty and see how to start Your Thinking Time Journaling Challenge. 

The nice thing about this one-month challenge is that it will not take much of your time. 

Just 5 or 10 minutes daily. 

What is essential is not time but your commitment to your self-growth. 

Remind yourself what positive results you can get from establishing a journaling habit. 

Knowing the answer to this question will help you stick with a challenge. 


For me, journaling and thinking daily give me new ideas and perspectives. 

It helps me to think more clearly and plan my actions and decisions better. 

It helps me to be an independent thinker. 

It allows me not just to react to life events but intentionally create the life I want. 


So after you know your motivation, let's move to the challenge. 

What you need to do during the Thinking Time Challenge is to answer at least one good question every day. 


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Hive by Alex Zozovsky is a Journaling Academy and Community For Personal Growth, Elite Performance, Mental + Emotional Thriving.
Hive members learn the best thinking tools for top performance and life satisfaction.
To accomplish this, they go through interactive online transformational experiences: quests, adventures, challenges, and guides.
Unlike books or usual courses, these trainings use NarrateLearning™ method (step-by-step narrative learning approach) to learn decision-making,
problem-solving, working with intuition and subconscious,
raising self-esteem and confidence, managing emotional well-being, idea generation, creativity,
mental toughness, and working with beliefs to improve their mindset and performance.

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