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Why feeling good is the key for productivity and life success

Remember that moment in the past when negative emotions…

… disturbing feelings...

some negative thoughts appeared in your life and screwed up that day…?

… or that project …

… or your goal …

… or maybe even relationships or friendships …?

… or perhaps it was a decision made in a negative mood, anger, or anxiety …


The truth is that our emotions are the gift and the curse simultaneously…


They can help and inspire us to create beautiful art, work, relationships, business, and life experiences…

… or they can create a real struggle in human life and pain…

And sometimes, lots of pain…


That’s why positive emotional experiences are a bridge between you and a great life …

You can see yourself that it is not only about money…

… it is not only about a great house….

… and it is also not only about business and work or a relationship either …


… sure, having all these things is great, and having all of them is good for life…

… but it is not enough to have those external things...

... because plenty of people in the world have all that and are still unhappy… 


Yet some people live modestly, do not have all of these things, and somehow enjoy life, 

go to their dreams, and have a great life experience and …

… poses true wealth…


A True Wealth of Solid Well-Being…


Let’s face it…

… as human beings, deep down, what we want in life is to FEEL GOOD…

Sometimes, people do anything possible to get those good feelings using what I call external replacements: 

… like drugs, alcohol, smoking, overeating, or even overworking ... 

Too many ways to do that …


And in reality, all that we do….

…  everything we pursue, 

no matter what it is, deep inside, we are looking for a possibility to feel at home, peaceful, happy, energized, to express ourselves fully …


To have an experience of being in harmony with others and yourself…


… and at the same time, we, as emotional creatures…

… have little to no skills for emotional regulation…

And that is double challenging… 

… because at schools and universities, 

we are taught everything “useful” for our professions and work … 

… and almost nothing to experience life in a good way…


What do we do with negative thoughts that block our expression and joy in life? 

Or feelings of low confidence to start doing what we want?

And who taught us how to cope with a fear of an unpredictable future or make a first step? 

And when you feel sad for whatever reason, and that sadness goes into depressiveness or anger?


Or what to do when you go to sleep at night, and intrusive thoughts start spinning in your head, keeping you from closing your eyes and having a deserved rest…

… that is all because of worries…

And what about waking up in the morning with low enthusiasm because of all the life problems and challenges …

So where can you take an excellent mood to cope with all this?


Where do you find the power to overcome these states of fear, low confidence, or maybe low self-esteem? 

How do we learn to remove negative feelings and anxiety and ground ourselves in the present moment? …

And most importantly,

how do you learn to do it in a fast and relatively easy way?…


Without hundreds of hours of coaching in the hope of seeing results…

… without expansive long therapies, 

and dozens and dozens of self-help literature to finally find some relief …


As I said before and will repeat:

FEELING good is the answer…


This is because when you feel good, you have more energy, 

enthusiasm, life satisfaction, fuel, and power for growth  …


When you feel good and experience positive feelings, make it a habit … 

… you are empowered to overcome societal challenges, 

… obstacles at work, 

… problems in business, 

and duties in personal and family life… 


The only question is:

… how do you raise your vibrations to feel good, make it a habit, and do it naturally?…

Without smoking, drinking, taking drugs or pills, 

overeating, or simply eating sweets to feel excellent... 

(I need to confess I used to do last a lot :) )... 

… or creating other addictions to trick our bodies and nervous systems …


And how to get back on track for good emotional well-being once something shakes your ground and do it fast? …


Over the last 15+ years, I have asked myself these questions numerous times …

And all these questions have answers … 

I channeled those answers into creating something truly amazing I am proud of, which you can read more about on this page...

>> Click this link, and I will show you a video demo of meditations and introduce you to 10 journaling meditations for improving your well-being in 10 different zones …  

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Hive by Alex Zozovsky is a Journaling Academy and Community For Personal Growth, Elite Performance, Mental + Emotional Thriving.
Hive members learn the best thinking tools for top performance and life satisfaction.
To accomplish this, they go through interactive online transformational experiences: quests, adventures, challenges, and guides.
Unlike books or usual courses, these trainings use NarrateLearning™ method (step-by-step narrative learning approach) to learn decision-making,
problem-solving, working with intuition and subconscious,
raising self-esteem and confidence, managing emotional well-being, idea generation, creativity,
mental toughness, and working with beliefs to improve their mindset and performance.

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